I never thought I would be writing about this, but I was almost attacked by a Robin. It all began Friday after work. The weather was perfect for planting my flowers in my front yard around our Maple tree. I got all my planting equipment together and went to plant. Not more than five minutes into planting I a felt a rush of wind above my head. I looked around thinking to myself...what the heck was that. Maybe it was just a burst of wind? Then all of a sudden I heard a Robin making a ton of noise and it sounded really close. I look up and there is a male Robin on my roof. I knew there was a Robin's nest in the tree because a few weeks back I did all the weeding around the tree and had no problem, and the mom didn't seem to mind me.
Well as I looked up and saw this Robin freaking out at me I just sat and watched it thinking no way that Robin was the "wind" I felt above my head. Not more than 30 seconds later he dive bombed me coming a few inches from my head. Oh my gosh I was under attack. It was funny, scary and just unbelievable. Is a Robin really trying to attack me?? Oh yes!! Once again the mom could care less, but the dad was so mad.
I didn't think Ryan would believe me if I told him I was being attacked by a Robin so I decided to grabbed my phone and took video of the Robin trying to attack me.
(In the process of uploading the video).
Well after the close call I decided to work on the planting in the backyard, but all weekend long I couldn't help but think I need to get my flowers planted in the front or they were going to die. I then came up with an idea that would protect my head for the 15 minutes it would take me to plant my flowers. I grabbed my big Utes umbrella and went out to plant my flowers. Don't think the umbrella stopped the dive bombing because it didn't. The Robin never hit the umbrella or my head, but came within inches. He would let me know he was mad by constantly chirping and cackling at me. Once in a while he would get quite which worried me more because I couldn't tell where he was. I felt offal. I can't blame the Robin for wanting to protect his babies, but I had to plant my flowers. So thankfully I was able to finish my planting Sunday morning. Needless to say every time I walk out my front door I see "the" Robin and he is fine with me as long as I don't go near the tree.
Ryan also had to mow the lawn and he was a little apprehensive about mowing the front around the tree. He was thinking about using his motorcycle helmet, but I told him the umbrella worked fine for me. So he decided to use the umbrella. It was so funny I must say, and he didn't get attacked once. What the heck?! I claim it was the noise of the lawn mower. :) Ryan claims it
s because the Robins like him more.
Tanelle, we are DYING!!!!!!! Hahaha, that is seriously the funniest thing I have heard in such a long time! You need to upload that video ASAP!
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